How to Stop Biting Your Nails?

Many of the adults who have the nasty habit of nail biting today have been gnawing at their nails for years. Most of them developed the habit in childhood, and never outgrew it. Some people blame the parents for allowing the bad habit to develop unchecked.

Although science has yet to prove that nail biting is genetic, children of parents who habitually nibble at their nails have bigger chances of developing the same habit – and this tends to be true even if the parent quit the habit before the child is born.

Trying to stop the habit of biting nails does not happen in an instant. But with a little time, effort, and patience, you can kick the bad habit for good.

Read on to learn how to effectively stop the nail biting habit, as well as some useful information.

Is Biting Your Nails Bad?

Is Biting Your Nails Bad

As mentioned, the habit is typically developed in childhood, and carried over to adulthood. The bad news is that the harmful effects of the habit go beyond the aesthetic. These include the following:

It leaves the surrounding nails sore.

Biting your nails habitually will make the surrounding skin tender, and damage the tissues responsible for nail growth. This will lead to abnormal nail growth and development.

It makes you prone to infections.

The mouth has lots of harmful bacteria and viruses that can pass on to your fingers and nails when you frequently bite your nails, and eventually to your face.

It harms your teeth.

Using your teeth for purposes other than chewing food can be detrimental. Habitual nail biting can displace your teeth. Compared to food, human nails are harder, and can cause nail breakage and enamel damage. And as mentioned in the previous item, germs can be transferred from your mouth to your nails and fingers. This can cause gum irritation.

Why Can’t I Stop Biting My Nails?

Why Is It Difficult to Stop the Habit of Biting My Nails

Nail biting can sometimes be indicative of mental or emotional stress as it is often observed in anxious, sad, and nervous people. It is a coping mechanism that you can also experience when you feel insecure, bored, or hungry. Because it is a habit, nail biting happens spontaneously.

Is Biting Nails a Mental Disorder?

Is Biting Nails a Mental Disorder

Medical experts categorize chronic nail biting under obsessive-compulsive disorders. This is because the affected individual finds it difficult to stop. Most affected people want to stop – to no avail. Those diagnosed with onychophagia cannot curb the habit without help from other people. Thus, it would be useless to simply tell someone to stop without any intervention.

Best Ways – How To Stop Biting Your Nails

Best Ways - How To Stop Biting Your Nails

While habitual nail biting is difficult to break, it is not impossible. Follow the tips below to help you finally get rid of the nasty habit and avoid the damaging consequences.

1. Maintain short nails.

best way to stop biting your nails - maintain short nails

By regularly trimming your nails, there will be less to bite, and this may help you resist the temptation to bite.

2. Get a manicure using bitter-tasting nail polish.

You can buy this safe to use type of polish over the counter. The disgusting taste of the polish will discourage you from biting. Likewise, the thought of wasting money by ruining the manicure you spent money for, may provide added motivation.

3. Make your nails hard to access.

Whenever possible, wear gloves to keep your nails safe from biting. By making your nails difficult to access, you can’t bite.

4. Find a good habit to replace the nasty one.

Any bad habit would be easier to stop if there is a healthier alternative. For instance, whenever you feel the urge to munch on your nails, chew some gum instead. You can also play with a stress ball to keep your fingers busy, and your nails safe from your bite.

5. Know what triggers your biting habit.

Some known triggers are stress, boredom, and anxiety. Having hanging nails may also prompt you to bite. Knowing what makes you bite your nails can help stop the habit by fixing the triggers.

6. Try to stop the habit gradually.

If stopping completely may not be possible, try the gradual approach. For instance, you can refrain from biting your pair of thumbs first. When that works, you can try it on other fingers like the pinkies, then the pointers until you have exempted all fingers.

Check out the video below that may help you learn how to stop nail biting better:

Best Products to Stop Nail Biting

Here are some of the best brands of no-bite nail polish that can help you kick the habit for good, and achieve better-looking and overall healthier nails:

1. Mavala Stop Deterrent Nail Polish Treatment

The treatment is designed to discourage adults and kids from biting their nails, while keeping the fingers healthy and manicure-ready; used similar to regular nail poli

2. Probell Anti-Bite Base Coat

The bitter-tasting anti-bite treatment is clear when applied; just be careful as the taste can easily rub off on anything you touch, and it may last for a few days.

3. Onyx Professional Stop the Bite Polish

While effective and doesn’t smell bad, the treatment tastes horrible; and the taste lingers in your mouth for a long time.

4. Nail Quail Strong Will Anti-Nail Biting Click Pen

The pen-style treatment is odorless, and made from natural ingredients. It is also quick-drying and easy to apply.

5. Barielle No Bite Pro Growth

Thy hydrating, non-gloss for nitrocellulose formula contains a combination of active pro-growth ingredients that work together to help keep nails strong, healthy, and bite-free.

Final Verdict

Like other habits developed during childhood and carried on through adulthood, nail biting is difficult to curb. However, it is not impossible. Just follow our tips. With patience, time and effort, you can finally get rid of the habit.

If you find this article helpful, or if you have other tips to share, please feel free to leave your comments below.

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